
What Do Fillers Do?

Dermal fillers are gel-like solutions that are injected into your skin to add fullness and volume to certain areas of the face and hands. They also work to diminish the appearance of fine lines and can even be used to enhance features like cheek contours and facial structure. 

Do Filler Injections Hurt?

Pain tolerance varies from person to person, but most of our clients find that the treatment is more comfortable than expected! All clients are numbed using a topical cream that works before the injection, plus our products also contain lidocaine in them so you will begin to feel numb from that too. Our injector also uses a vibrating tool to distract from the injections.

How Long Do They Last?

Because each dermal filler is different, your results can last anywhere between six months and two years based on the product, the area of the face injected, and the amount of product injected during your treatment.

I’m Ready To Try Fillers Now, How Can I Best Prepare For Them?

Like any injection, fillers can result in some slight bruising so it’s best to stop taking blood thinners like aspirin or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications (ibuprofen, naproxen, etc.) for a week prior to treatment. Additionally, avoid fish oil supplements, vitamin E, and herbal supplements for a few days prior to the procedure, unless medically necessary. (Be sure to mention this to your injector during your consultation). Please do not stop any blood thinning medications if they have been prescribed by your physician.

What Can I Expect After Getting Fillers Done?

We ask that you please plan your treatments with enough time ahead of special events (NOT the day before your wedding) because bruising, redness, swelling or tenderness in the treated area are all normal/expected side effects of injections and will generally take a few days to disappear. Regarding immediate after-care, be sure to apply a cool compress to the treatment area (do not apply ice directly to skin) for approximately 5-10 minutes every half an hour on the day of treatment. Avoid any pressure or heat inducing activities for 24 hours such as strenuous exercise, spas, saunas and hot showers.